latest 15 messages by Chucky`

+ [2015-01-23T15:55:57Z] Chucky` i had figured there was extra processing that might happen with the markdown tags that I wouldn't want to lose
+ [2015-01-23T15:53:43Z] Chucky` i can get it to work with the <a> tag. should i just use that?
+ [2015-01-23T15:40:35Z] Chucky` hi all, i have a url inside of a variable and would like to use that url in a markdown link. is this possible? just saying "[DOI]({{ bib.doi }})" does not trigger the markdown processor correctly and it looks like "[DOI](/bar/baz)" on the webpage
+ [2015-01-23T14:08:43Z] Chucky` thanks
+ [2015-01-23T14:05:26Z] Chucky` thanks
+ [2015-01-23T14:04:40Z] Chucky` jaybe: ahh! that's exactly what i'm looking for
+ [2015-01-23T14:02:54Z] Chucky` i appreciate your workarounds, but i was trying to figure out if jekyll can read plain text files as strings when it can already read more complicated formats. it appears not, so thanks for your help :)
+ [2015-01-23T14:02:00Z] Chucky` and i can't use plugins, because i'm using
+ [2015-01-23T14:01:50Z] Chucky` mchelen: because i'd like to actually link to the files on the page as well. i want to be able to make changes to the files in one place
+ [2015-01-23T13:59:53Z] Chucky` grabbing a file as a string seems like something that would be built in, considering it can already grab a file and treat it as yaml, or json, etc.
+ [2015-01-23T13:58:58Z] Chucky` since jekyll already has the ability to read more complicated files, i thought it would be able to read a plain text file as well and turn it into a string
+ [2015-01-23T13:58:28Z] Chucky` then i'm depending on whether or not a user's browser has the right capabilities, as well as making the page slower
+ [2015-01-23T13:49:39Z] Chucky` open the file, get the contents of the file, stick it on the page
+ [2015-01-23T13:48:00Z] Chucky` mchelen: i'd like to read it at site generation time. is there another alternative?
+ [2015-01-23T01:41:54Z] Chucky` hi all, i'm new to Jekyll. Is there any way to read a plain text file? I'm looking at that says it can read only certain format files, but I have some bibtex data I'd love to read raw (and then let a js library format). is this possible?